
    1. Date of Application:

    1. Full Name:

    2. Surname:

    3. Nicname:

    4. Date of Birth:

    5. ID Number:

    6. Gender:

    7. Name of sibling at our school:

    1. First Name:

    2. Surname:

    3. Date of Birth:

    4. ID no:

    5. Occupation:

    6. Employers Name:

    7. Home address:

    8. Email:

    9. Home Tel:

    10. Work Tel:

    11. Mobile phone:

    1. First Name:

    2. Surname:

    3. Date of Birth:

    4. ID no:

    5. Occupation:

    6. Employers Name:

    7. Home address:

    8. Email:

    9. Home Tel:

    10. Work Tel:

    11. Mobile phone:

    12. Work Address:

    1. Full name and surname:

    2. Contact Number(s):

    3. Relationship:

    1. Has your child ever broken a limb? If YES please provide details:

    2. Does your child have any particular fears? If YES please provide details:

    3. Is your child allergic to any medication? If YES please provide details:

    4. Do you have a family history of dyslexia, hyperactivity, minimal brain dysfunction or other learning difficulties? If YES please provide details:

    5. Are there any special medical, physical or emotional needs that the school should be aware of? If YES please provide details:

    6. In the event of a dire emergency, may we take your child to the local doctor?
      NB! You will be liable for the medical charges. If YES please provide details:

    7. Does your child suffer from any allergies? (Peanuts, Lactose, fish, wheat, gluten etc.) If YES please provide details:

    8. Are vaccinations up to date? If YES please provide details:

    9. Has your child been stung by a bee? If so was there a reaction? If YES please provide details:

    11. Scheme Name:

    12. Plan:

    13. Membership Number:

    14. Principal Member:

    Milestones (At what age did your child…?):
    1. Start talking?:

    2. What was your child’s first word?:

    3. Does he/she stutter?:

    4. Roll Over?

    5. Sit up?

    6. Crawl?

    7. Pull up onto feet?

    8. Take first steps?

    9. Can your child feed him/herself?

    10. Can your child drink from a cup?

    11. Does your child have a dummy?

    12. Does your child have any other comfort objects?

      1. Childs place of birth and nationality?

      2. Is your child adopted? If yes at what age?

      3. Does your child know about the adoption?

      4. Childs place in family? (Oldest, middle or youngest)

      5. Parents marital status?

      6. If divorced/ separated who does the child live with?

      7. What are the visiting arrangements?

      1. Does your child have temper tantrums?

      2. Do you believe in discipline? [select* discipline include_blank "Yes" "No]

      3. Describe briefly whether you are strict, firm or fairly free in your disciplining methods and how do you deal with tantrums?

      1. Has your child been to school before?

      2. Is your child not allowed any foods for religious reasons? [select* religious-food include_blank "Yes" "No]

      3. What time does your child go to bed at night?

      4. What time does your child wake up in the morning?

      5. Does your child sleep through the night?

      6. Does your child have a nap during the day?

      1. Who will bring your child to school?

      2. Who will collect your child from school?

      3. Are there any other family members or friends who may fetch your child from school? Please give us their name and relation to the child.

      BILLING INFORMATION (Person responsible for payment of school fees):
      1. Full Name:

      2. Postal address:

      3. Home address:

      4. Work address:

      5. Email Address:

      6. ID Number:

      7. Office Landline:

      8. Home Landline:

      9. Mobile Number:

      NEXT OF KIN:
      1. Name:

      2. Mobile Number:

      3. Office Number:

      4. Home address:

      1. • A copy of his/her immunization card.(push print button at the bottom of page)

      2. • A copy of his/her medical aid card.

      3. Copy of your child’s birth certificate

      4. • Copy of Mom and Dad’s Id document.

    Steps to Enrollment

    Fee structure: School fees for 2019 are as follows: A deposit of R1000 is payable as soon as possible to secure your child’s spot. Please note that Phyzz Ed is included in your school fees and this extra mural will take place once a week for half an hour lesson.

    Option A: 12 monthly payments. (January – December) Payable by the 2nd day of each month.

    Option B: 11 Monthly payments (January – November) Payable by the 2nd day of each month

    Option C: One yearly payment. Payable by the 7th January 2019

    Family discount: If you have 2 children attending Little Minds Montessori in 2019, you will receive a 5 % discount on your total bill. If you have 3 children attending Little Minds Montessori in 2019, you will receive a 7% discount on your total bill

    • The Montessori Method of teaching has five main areas I.e. Practical life, sensorial, Language, Math’s and cultural. As I’m sure you have noticed, a great deal of equipment is used to create a learning environment which is challenging and full of exciting discoveries, but at the same time, happy, non-threatening and noncompetitive. The Montessori equipment is used daily by the children, and through wear and tear does need regular maintaining and replacing. Parents are required to pay a termly equipment fee of R250, (Please note that there are 3 terms) so that the equipment is always available and in good working condition.

    Each child will receive their own stationary pack to increase their sense of responsibility and respect for their own belongings. A once off stationery fee is required in the first month from each child. These items are very good quality and should last the children the whole year. If any of your child’s pencils, glue or books are finished Little Minds will replace it at no extra charge.

    When handing in your application forms for 2019 please include the following:

    • A copy of his/her immunization card.
    • A copy of his/her medical aid card.
    • Copy of child’s birth certificate.
    • Copy of Mom and Dad’s Id document.

    What to bring on your first day of school?

    • A bag with a morning snack and a change of clothes.
    • Nappies, wet wipes and bum cream if your child is not yet toilet trained.
    • 1X liquid hand wash.
    • 1X box of tissues.
    • 2X packets of wet wipes.
    • 4X toilet rolls.
    • An apron.
    • Bottle of sunscreen.
    • A hat.
    • A cot sized sheet and a blanket clearly marked with your child’s name if they will be sleeping at school.
    • Photograph of your child.
    • Family photograph.

    Please may all these items be labeled with your child’s name.