Wiggle and Jam

About Wiggle and Jam

Age: 1-6 Years
Activities: Dance and Music
Price: From R175 per month

Wiggle and Jam

• We are a team of dedicated music & movement teachers devoted to developing happy children
through Music & Movement.
• To develop rhythmic abilities in children which are essential for writing, reading and language skills
• To develop logical and creative thought by stimulating the left and right brain simultaneously.
• To stimulate and enhance the child’s problem solving and mathematical skills
• To assist with the development of fine and gross motor skills.
• To help the children to communicate by expressing their thoughts and feelings
• To develop music appreciation within each child
• To include a variety of music in different languages and from different cultures in South Africa
• To develop children holistically through the use of different percussion instruments
• To provide a professional and reliable service to our clients: the children we teach,
their parents and the schools at which we teach
During the movement and music classes we focus on the holistic development
of all children in the following areas
Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Language

• To listen to different types of music
• To play their instruments to a beat
• To listen to and follow instructions
• To co-operate in and be part of a group
• To develop gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye and foot-eye coordination
• To become aware of their bodies in space
• To cross the midline and use bilateral movement
We also incorporate some brain-gym movements
• Move expressively and rhythmically
• Value music as part of everyday life
• Listen to and follow instructions
• Listen appreciatively, refine listening skills, noticing changes in tempo or pitch
• Learn new information, facts, words and concepts
• Express emotions
• Explore cause and effect
• Improve core muscles, balance, coordination, and rhythm through dance and movement
• Improve small motor skills, learning finger plays and playing musical instruments.

• Create Happy children
• Introduce different ways of thinking by stimulating both sides of the brain
• Stimulate a child’s problem solving skills
• Help the child to communicate and express emotions
• Help them with listening skills and concentration
• Help children with memory
• Develop language skills
• Teach children discipline and boundaries
• Give children the opportunity to be creative
• Help children to develop a strong self-esteem
• Encourage children to develop relationships with others
Music stimulates
• The brain, the emotions and the body simultaneously
• Both the logical and creative side of the brain and by utilizing both sides simultaneously the brain
grows connections across the hemispheres.
• The more neurological brain activity we have, the faster we are able to think!

Time Split
